Ottawa, Canada

E-Books by Andre

Tango Mystery Books – Teen Books – Children Books – Tango Manuals – Adventure Books – Christmas Books and more.


About Andre:

My literary portfolio spans a diverse array of genres, reflecting my multifaceted creativity and passion for storytelling. I’m the author of engaging Teen Tango Mystery books, which combine the intrigue of young adult fiction with the captivating world of Argentine Tango. For those seeking a more relaxed and health-focused read, I’ve penned Chair Yoga books that provide valuable insights into enhancing physical well-being and mindfulness.

My expertise in Argentine Tango extends to informative books that delve into the history, techniques, and culture of this enchanting dance form. I’ve also ventured into the realm of children’s literature, crafting stories that captivate young minds with imaginative tales and life lessons.

If you’re a fan of time-travel adventures, my collection includes thrilling Time Travel Adventure books that take readers on exhilarating journeys through different eras. For the tango enthusiasts, I’ve created comprehensive Argentine Tango manuals, ensuring a deep understanding of this passionate dance.

With the holiday spirit in mind, I’ve authored Christmas books that spread warmth and cheer during the festive season. And for those with a taste for the unusual, I’ve ventured into the realm of historical virus and zombie books, blending history and the supernatural to create spine-tingling narratives that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

My books encompass a wide range of genres, ensuring that there’s something for every reader’s taste, from the mystique of Argentine Tango to the whimsy of children’s tales and the thrill of time-travel adventures.

I hold certifications from esteemed organization CDF, reflecting my extensive expertise in various dance disciplines. As a Fellow in Ballroom and Latin dances, I possess profound knowledge and skill in Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Quickstep, Viennese Waltz, Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble, and Jive. Additionally, I have achieved the prestigious title of Grand Master in Argentine Tango and serve as the Head of the Argentine Tango department within the Canadian Dance Federation (CDF).My professional experience extends to judging dance competitions, choreographing captivating performances, and specializing in other dance genres such as Salsa, West Coast Swing, Merengue, and Wedding Dance. I am also an accomplished author and a Senior Chair Yoga Specialist with a passion for enhancing dance fitness.

The Secret Tango Society Mysteries Series

Children Books

Historical Time Travel Adventure

Argentine Tango Manuals

Black Wolf Virus 7-Part Serialized Tale

Christmas Books